head of production: asil tekeR | executive production: sina harina | concept/creative direction: ole villwock & joy grant | dop: ole villwock | camera assistent/photos: georg schuster | gaffer: gordon spandern | edit & grading: ole villwock | bts/set assistant: vivian mcclelland | production assistent: konrad groß | mua: laetitia prange | styling: andrea weide | actor: joy ewulu | dancers: aicha & anna | choreografie: lena paulmann, anna polanski, joy grant
head of production: asil tekeR | executive production: sina harina | concept/creative direction: ole villwock & joy grant | dop: ole villwock | camera assistent/photos: georg schuster | gaffer: gordon spandern | edit & grading: ole villwock | bts/set assistant: vivian mcclelland | production assistent: konrad groß | mua: laetitia prange | styling: andrea weide | actor: joy ewulu | dancers: aicha & anna | choreografie: lena paulmann, anna polanski, joy grant